Breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon which provides numerous benefits to not only the baby but also the mother. It could be medical or psychological/emotional benefits. It is the most intimate bonding experience between mother and baby and it is a known fact that it is the best nutrition that a mother can provide her baby. At PrasoothiCare we give utmost importance to lactation. We provide one to one consultation (one mom at a time with Doctor) from third trimester of pregnancy so as to ensure proper lactation training and support. We believe in giving training to the pregnant mother is more important than searching a lactation consultant after the problem arise. We always believe in prevention is better than cure
( we prefer the new parent to attend our breast feeding support program at beginning of 3rd trimester)
Also covered
Stretch mark is a common problem among women, especially after pregnancy. Stretch marks occur mostly on belly and breasts since these are the areas that undergo maximum expansion during pregnancy. It how's up on the thighs, buttocks, and upper arms as well. These small skin streaks are reddish or purple in the beginning, but they fade after pregnancy and become white or gray. Getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy is actually possible through proper care of skin by using the right products. A combination of exercise and healthy eating will help you to feel better about your post-delivery body changes. At PrasoothiCare we provide proper guidelines regarding this right from the prenatal period.